Family Fun! Our newest nephew, Everett Michael Price was born on Thursday! We went to visit him on Saturday and I had a cough so I wasn’t going to hold him. But Jon sells medical supplies so he had these sweet masks and I just wore on so I could hold the babe! I looked great in it :) Everett is so sweet and cute and tiny and I love him! Dan and I went down to Lehi on Saturday night for Addy’s 4th birthday. It was really fun and crazy (as usual)! The kids love my camera so they took it and took a bunch of cute pictures of everyone. I decided that the best pictures are taken by kids! They make everyone smile genuine smiles and I love their pictures the best!
Me and Mia. She is a good baby, but it’s hard to get a smile out of her except for Becky! She freaks out and laughs and wiggles when she sees her mom! It’s so cute!
Addy blowing out the candles on her butteryfly/M&Ms cake!
The girles were so cute with Honey and Papa (Dan’s grandparen
Mia the cute little chunk.
We gave Addy a Barbie Diva set with nail polish and all that. She really liked it!
These are the great shots the girls took of each other! Emily (left) is such a poser and always models and strikes poses! She took the pic of Addy and told Addy how to stand! It was so funny!
Me and Addy, Joseph and Grandpa (or Dad depending on who you are….)
Dave and Ryan, Grandma (Mom) and Great-Grandpa (Grandpa) Goates!
Mike and Becky.
Katelyn and Dan.
And my favorite picture and Sarah and Emily. I love my nieces and nephews so much (if you didn’t notice by how many pictures I post of them)! The are just so precious and give me so much love and just make me happy! I’m so lucky to be an aunt!
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