My laundry room is finally totally finished and I'm so happy about it! I had gotten a lot of it done about a month ago, but then I had to wait to make a few more purchases because we were spending money on our yard and we also were busy with the Wasatch Back. It was really hard to get good pictures because it's a pretty small space and even though I tried it at night with the flash and during the day with the sunlight, it was still hard! I'm not a pro photographer geez...anyway, my inspiration for the laundry room was this:
Unfortunately I don’t have the sweet front loaders yet, or the space for the nifty laundry tower, but it’s close right?!
My mom had bought me the rug from BB&B for Christmas so I just used that until I finally finished the whole room awhile later. I decided to paint the walls a deep blue to coordinate with the rug and still look good with the colors in the rest of our house. I LOVE the color and Behr paint + primer is really great and I would highly recommend it. I found the awesome grass cloth roman shade on cheapo sale at Lowes and made it work even though it was extra long.
I got a set of unfinished wood cabinets from Lowes that I primed and painted white. Dan took the lead and installed them (with my glorious help) for me. He also installed the hanging bar to hang clothes that don’t fit on the drying rack. On the doors of the cabinets, I decided to use paintable beadboard wallpaper to add a little interest and make the cheap cabinets look a little more special. I got a huge roll on sale at Lowes (notice a trend here…) for around $7 or so. It was really easy to do and I love it! It’s a subtle change, but I think it looks great along with the clear glass knobs.
Sorry for the yellowish look, they are really bright white, but I don’t know how to take pictures and my 4 year old camera doesn’t help :)
We finally got a “real” ironing board after over 2 years of marriage! We had kept my crappy brightly colored table board from college but we never used it (who irons anyway?). We finally bought this one and a hanger for the wall for it. Surprisingly the cover matches the room! But maybe I’ll get a cute cover for it at some point.
I ordered a broom/mop hanger off of Amazon and it’s awesome! It’s like magic and it holds my broom and mops perfectly. It was only $13 I think too! So now I have a spiffy new laundry room and it really makes me happy! I didn’t spend much and I kept it simple.
Maybe some day in my future dream home I’ll have a huge laundry room/mud room like one of these:
I love the cool locker-type style for kids to keep backpacks, shoes, boots and snow/swim/dirty clothes.
I will keep day dreaming about that, but for now, I’m really happy with my current dream home and my cute laundry room! Now I have a laundry area that is functional and stylin’!