You may remember this post over 1.5 years ago when I announced that we were going on a cruise to Mexico to celebrate my graduation in May 2009. Well…because of the lovely swine flu outbreak originating in Mexico in the Spring of 2009, our cruise was redirected to San Francisco. We really didn’t want to go to San Fran when we had been there before and were looking forward to going to Mexico.
Anyway, we opted to get a cruise credit and we had until the end of 2010 to use it. At the time it seemed like forever away, but now that is almost here! Craziness. Soooo we are finally going to go on our cruise December 12-19! We are so excited and we really just have to pay to get to Long Beach and for cruise excursions, etc. So we are going to be lovin’ life and soaking up some sun in Mexico in a few months!
I might go on a starvation diet before the cruise so I don’t feel guilty about eating all day :)
I’m sure we will be shoving small children out of our way to go down the slide on the boat.
I plan on sitting here and reading my book and drinking diet coke (if we decide to buy a soda card…what a rip off!).
Maybe we’ll do some of this? Any tips or advice is much appreciate! Let me know if you have any suggestions about shopping, excursions, and cruises in general!
So while the rest of you are enjoying this December 12-19…
We will be enjoying this…
Suckers :)