Dan and I went up to Yellowstone last week and it was awesome. We stayed in Island Park with his family most of the time in a tiny cabin they have rented for over 30 years! It was quite an adventure to be in that tiny place with 12-20 people at once but we had fun. We were also able to visit my aunt and uncle who were renting a cabin up there as well.
We loved the cool mountain air, relaxation and sight seeing. It was a great time and we were sad to come home. Feeling the wind in my hair….
Mia can be a little temperamental and is pretty shy and only likes a few people to hold her. She loves Joe and she even fell asleep in his arms! So cute!
Enjoying the gorgeous views of Yellowstone Lake.
Cutey cute kids. They made the trip tons of fun. I’m not sure what Addy was doing above, but she is such a funny girl.
Some of the crew on the deck over Yellowstone Lake.
We saw a lot of animals including a mama moose with her baby, a mama grizzly with 2 cubs, and tons of buffalo. This guy was walking on the road in the lane next to us for awhile! They were HUGE!
This is at Artist’s point and I haven’t been here since I was a little kid and it was so gorgeous. This picture kind of looks fake to me!
Addy and I having fun taking silly pictures.
We rented a canoe for the day and Dan and I went down the river with Becky and Addy. It was so beautiful and not too hot at all. We loved it so much!
Danny (of course) got in and swam around even though the water was freezing!
This is the cabin my aunt and uncle rented about 15 minutes from Danny’s family’s place. It was really big and gorgeous and made us want to get our own cabin someday!
Enjoying a yummy huckleberry milkshake.
Addy and Wellyn sat down at this tiny kid table and right away Addy starting talking like a princess and Wellyn was making burping and choking noises. Girls and boys are so different; some things never change…
This is at Mammoth and there were tons of Elk all over the place, just eating and sitting in the shade of all the houses! It was pretty cool.
Crazy little boy.
Dan and I at Tower Falls at the end of our trip. We had tons of fun and I love doing things together with him and our families!